Extra-curricular Activities

Non-Academic Activities


Besides academics, our students are equally active in various sporting activities:

We have a relatively large campus having a fairly standard football field. Our students use this field to play all sorts of sports during class recess, Our soccer team play their regional competitions on this field as well. Our soccer team is one of the best soccer teams of the secondary schools in the region.

We also have facilities for badminton, ping-pong (or table tennis) and other sports.

Hopecrest Football Team
Hopecrest Football Team
Bi-annual Interhouse Sports Competition - Blue House
Bi-annual Inter-house Sports Competition - Blue House March-Past

Bi-annually, we conduct inter-house sports event. where our students are classified into four houses (Blue, Green, Yellow and Purple Houses) and compete against one another to determine winners in various activities such as 100 m, 200 and 400 meter races, high jumps, long jumps, and so on.  We invite other schools to participate in our inter-house sports and we participate in inter-school, LGA, state and national level competitions throughout the year.

Debates and Career Talks

We have a debating society and our students weekly participate in debates on current national and international issues amongst themselves. We also bi-annually organize career talks for our students. Seasoned and experienced individuals from all walks of life are invited to come and give talks on various disciplines to our students to guide them into making their career choices in life.

Cross-section of Hopecrest Students
Cross-section of Hopecrest Students during Deabates and Career Talks
Cultural event at Hopecret College
Cultural event at Hopecret College

Culture, Arts and Music

Our students are also actively in cultural promotion, Arts and Music. Our annual end of the year party has a very high content of cultural dances, music and playlets. Our students also do a lot of things in creative arts making all kinds of traditional African batiks such as “Adire”